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Justice Palace BRUSSELS-CITY / BRUSSELS picture
Arch. Joseph Poelaert
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Justice Palace BRUSSELS-CITY / BRUSSELS picture: Justice Palace BRUSSELS-CITY / BRUSSELS picture: Justice Palace BRUSSELS-CITY / BRUSSELS picture: Justice Palace BRUSSELS-CITY / BRUSSELS picture: Justice Palace BRUSSELS-CITY / BRUSSELS picture: Justice Palace BRUSSELS-CITY / BRUSSELS picture:
Justice Palace BRUSSELS-CITY / BRUSSELS picture: Justice Palace BRUSSELS-CITY / BRUSSELS picture: Justice Palace BRUSSELS-CITY / BRUSSELS picture: Justice Palace BRUSSELS-CITY / BRUSSELS picture: Justice Palace BRUSSELS-CITY / BRUSSELS picture: Justice Palace BRUSSELS-CITY / BRUSSELS picture:
Justice Palace BRUSSELS-CITY / BRUSSELS picture: Justice Palace BRUSSELS-CITY / BRUSSELS picture: Justice Palace BRUSSELS-CITY / BRUSSELS picture: Justice Palace BRUSSELS-CITY / BRUSSELS picture: Picture by Bart Van Oudenhove (thanks!)Justice Palace BRUSSELS-CITY / BRUSSELS picture: Justice Palace BRUSSELS-CITY / BRUSSELS picture:
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This justice house (court of justice) is a creation of the architect Joseph Poelaert whoms statue is still to be admired underneeth in the corridor of the monumental stair hall. Monumentaal is usrely the right word to describe this building. It simply browbeats you, as well from the outside (built on a hill) as from inside. It was built between 1860 and 1883 in an eclectic style. The ingenious three-dimensional effect of this building (with as best example the huge 'salle des pas perdus') had great influence on the architect Victor Horta. For the construction of this complex (larger than the Saint Pierres Place in Rome) the porer region , also called the Marolles of Brussels, had to surrender a large peice of ground. The inhabitants were very disapointed in the architect and they opened a cafe on the corner of the Fox place and they called it 'De scheve Architect' the crooked architect.This in relation with Poelaert. (with our thanks to Liesbeth Bleys). Another explanation for the name 'De Scheve Architect' was given to us by Marc Poelaert: The leader of the workers was English. Everyone called him 'Cheef Architect'. But the local people (speaking Durch) didn't understand English. But because Cheef sounds like 'Schief' (meaning crooked in Dutch), this surname started. That's how Joseph got this name. Thanks to Bart Van Oudenhove we also have a picture taken from the South Tower.

Jean Claude AHN: 'Het paleis van justitie was zeer lang het grootste gebouw van de wereld en daarna van Europa. Het was de bedoeling van de bouwheer Koning Leopold die zijn jonge hoofdstad wilde kenmerken door indrukwekkende bouwwerken en perpectieven. Normalerwijze moesten vier grote lanen leiden naar de midden van iedere gevel. Alleen de regentschapstraat leidt naar het midden van de voorgevel de andere lanen werden niet eens overwogen door de overheid. Jammer want het had van Brussel een wereldklasse gegeven die ze heden nog mist. Uiteindelijk blijft de hoofdstad de samensmelting van een middeleeuwse stad en achttien dorpen. aan het einde van de oorlog brandde het paleis van justitie gedurende drie dagen. Maar het gebouw weerstond de brand en bleef overeind.Het was vooral het archief en de gesequestreerde goederen die in brand vlogen.'

