Gentleman's house or villa drawn by the architect Jozef Hoffmann for Adolphe Stoclet, a young belgian industrial and coal baron.
The Palace Stoclet is really Art Nouveau, finished within the finest details. In the geometrical forms though, it is already an announcement of the Art Deco. This is why sometimes, it is considered as Pro Art Deco.
The idea was to create a piece of art, in which architecture and decoration entirely are complementory. Even the coffee spoons used in the house were created in the style of the house. In the interior, you find mural paintings by the famous artist Gustav Klimt.
The building cosists of a series of cubes clothed by white marble and lined by decorated copper tubes.
The facade carries four symmetricaly placed statues and bronze flower wreaths crowning the staircase tower. Those statues are made by Franz Metzner.
The porch in the form of a pavillion is connected to the main building with a coveredpassage. On top of this construction there is an Athena figure by Michael Powolny.
On the facade you find a stylated figuratif half-relief by Franz Metzner. Two porters carry a flower basket.
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