This Christ King church was built between 1928 and 1930 according the plans of gebouwd Jos Smolderen. This church was constructed in a new byzantin art decostyle. This church was a piece of the Worldexhibition of 1930: there is now an exhibition of Felmish Primitifs there.
The concrete porticois in contrast with the bricks fassades. Above the fassade we can see a kind of fronton, also executed in concrete.It contents five tabernacles under simple baldachins, with five statues..
This church is covered with dome-shaped roofs on simple pendentives. In the drum of these domes windows are foreseen, which gives a nice light effect.
The semi-circular choir contents,besides the main altar with a crusifix, beautiful fraaie glassframes with therebetween statues.
The pilars are decorated with beautifully decorated kapitals with therabove a small tooth course. Hereabove begin the massive semi-circular arches in the maconnery.
The organ is is a remarquable phenomenon. The organ pipes are spread over the total width but in such a way that the created openings corresponded with the glassframes there behind.
The white stone pulpit radiates simple robustness.
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