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Thousand year old oak LUMMEN

Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

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Whether this tree in Lummen (Mellaar) indeed is a thousand year old tree, is not known. But it is clearly very old, and not that healthy anymore. The kernel putridded away, and worms cause a lot of damage too. You can see through the tree horizontally, and vertically to a hole cause by the disappearance of a large brench. It is only alive on the outside, what can still hel him through some more years... But due to lack of power, I am afraid its going to end like the Droogmanseik after a storm.

Under this tree, justice was done, and whitches were killed...

According to Rudo Snyers, in 2000 a forest of new oak trees was started. 120 young trees were planted - 1 for each newborn baby in Lummen. In this way, a forest is started where the future generations can play...
