
Realisations, art, work by Pieter Paul Rubens in Belgium on picture(000121)



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1Saint John the Baptist and Evangelist churchSaint John the Baptist and Evangelist church
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Keywords:Church, Baroque, Gothic, Brabantion Gothic, high altar, main altar, painting, half-relief, confessional, triptych, reliquary, pulpit, statue (as an ornament), organ, choir stalls, lancet, organ-case, marble, tombstone, grave stone, western tower, tub, vat, central aisle, bust, three-aisled, choir, chancel, sandstone, moulding, transept, chapel (in church or other building), pointed arch, horizontalising effect, nave, tunnel vault (barrel vault), window with round arch, oak wood, belfry window, putti, stuccowork, Pieter Paul Rubens, Franchoys, Nicolaas van der Veken, Pieter Valckx, Theodoor Verhaegen, Lucas Faid'herbe, Willem Herreyns, Gaspar de Craeyer, Jacob Jordaens, Duquesnoy
2Our-Ladies cathedralOur-Ladies cathedral
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Cathedral, World Heritage, Norman (Romanesque), Gothic, Renaissance, painting, Stone from Doornik, crossing tower, portico, window with round arch, buttress, staircase turret, staircase tower, apse, apsis, tunnel vault (barrel vault), western block, transept, choir, chancel, pilaster, triforium, rood loft, choir screen, niche, truss, gallery, pointed arch, nave, chapel (in church or other building), flanking aisle, side aisle, three-aisled, clustered column, Pieter Paul Rubens, Cornelis Floris de Vriendt (Floris)
3Rubens' houseRubens' house
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Museum, Baroque, 16th century traditional architecture (maconry and sandstone), ring colon, arbour, attic, recessed balcony, loggia, sandstone, portico, tabernacle, statue (as an ornament), painting, galery, wing, aisle, portrait, inner court, fronton, cross-bar frame, Pieter Paul Rubens, Jan Boeckhorst, Hans van Mildert
4Saint James' ChurchSaint James' Church
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Keywords:Church, Grave, graveyard, Baroque, ambulatory, stellar vaulting, narthex, high altar, main altar, confessional, radial chapel, side altar, choir stalls, altar, flanking aisle, side aisle, painting, pulpit, central aisle, marble, capital, organ, rood loft, choir screen, parclose, breastwork, parapet, candlestick, arcade, pillar, Corinthian column, triforium, Pieter Paul Rubens, S. de Neve, Keldermans, Domien de Waghemakere, Michiel. Senior van der Voort (ook Vervoort), Jacob Jordaens, Gaspar de Craeyer
ANTWERP5.3 / ~ 1491
5Saint-Baafs' cathedralSaint-Baafs' cathedral
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Cathedral, Gothic, Brabantion Gothic, Scheldt Gothic, Norman (Romanesque), transept, chapter church, retable, pulpit, nave, choir, chancel, support tower, ambulatory, crypt, Stone from Doornik, radial chapel, mausoleum, Pieter Paul Rubens, Jan Van Eyck
GHENT5.5 / ~ 1300
6Our Ladies CathedralOur Ladies Cathedral
(Seen from the town hall)
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Cathedral, Brabantion Gothic, Late gothic, Gothic, Neo-classicism, Neo-gothic, doorway (porch), clustered column, spire, gablet, arcade, triforium, breastwork, parapet, catheder, inner hall, choir, chancel, pulpit, nave, aisle, central aisle, side altar, organ-case, high altar, main altar, tower, confessional, organ, tombstone, grave stone, brass, Pieter Paul Rubens, Hendrik Van Thienen, Keldermans, J. Blom, Everard van Veeweyden (Spoorwater), Jan Tac, Peter Appelmans, Jan Baptist van Wint, Verbruggen (Verbrugghen), Michiel. Senior van der Voort (ook Vervoort), Domien de Waghemakere, Erasmus en Artus Quellin, Guillaume of Willem Kerricx de Oudere, P. Schyven, F. Durlet, L. Willemsen, M. de Vos, Francken, A. van Noort, Joseph Bascourt
ANTWERP5.7 / 1352
7Plantin Moretus' museumPlantin Moretus' museum
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Museum, World Heritage, Renaissance, Louis XV, fronton, bust, sandstone, Pieter Paul Rubens, Erasmus en Artus Quellin, Engelbert Baets, Verbruggen (Verbrugghen), Hans van Mildert
8Carolus Borromeus ChurchCarolus Borromeus Church
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Baroque, stuccowork, high altar, main altar, pillar order, coffer, belt arch, pulpit, Dorian colons, organ, Corinthian column, Ionic colons, apse, apsis, baroque porche, portal, confessional, painting, wood-carving, wood-engraving, baroque façade, galery, statue (as an ornament), nave, flanking aisle, side aisle, tower, marble, pilaster, chapel (in church or other building), painted ceiling, pinnacle, Jezuïten, Jan Peter van Baurscheit de Oudere, Jozef Druart, Pieter Paul Rubens, Michiel. Senior van der Voort (ook Vervoort), de Nole
ANTWERP5.7 / 1615
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Brabantion Gothic, Louis XV, Gothic, Neo-gothic, meridian line, pinnacle, vaultal painting, stellar vaulting, painting, altar, chapter church, oak wood, crossing tower, ledestone, balegemstone, doorway (porch), ambulatory, crossing, nave, radial chapel, choir, chancel, portico, breastwork, parapet, triforium, Herman de Waghemakere, Keldermans, Jan Van Wouwe, Geraard Spillebaut, Pieter Paul Rubens, Jan Van der Moeren, Julius Goethals, Jean-Baptist Bethune, Gillis Nechelput
AALST5.3 / 1480
10Water GateWater Gate
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Town gate, Pieter Paul Rubens
11Saint-Willebrodrus' church (in Antwerp-North (Seefhoek))Saint-Willebrodrus' church (in Antwerp-North (Seefhoek))
Arch. Leonard Blomme
Picture by Freddy Dehoperé

Keywords:Church, Neo-gothic, flying buttress, gargouille, flanking aisle, side aisle, semi-circular (round) arch, doorway (porch), lancet, nave, choir, chancel, central aisle, tower, Leonard Blomme, Cornelis Schut, Pieter Paul Rubens
ANTWERP5.4 / 1886
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Keywords:Town hall, city hall, Late classicism, Empire, Corinthian column, bust, galery, baluster, gilt, pillar, pier, Belgian limestone or bluestone, tabernacle, pillar, balcony, fronton, breastwork, parapet, painting, Drossaert, Pieter Paul Rubens, Anton (Anthonie) van Dyck
TIENEN5.6 / 1635
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Gothic, Baroque, crossing tower, arched corbel course, flanking aisle, side aisle, altar, arcade, communion rail, ribbed vault, pillar, pier, high altar, main altar, wood-carving, wood-engraving, wainscotting, panelwork, paneling, dado, statue (as an ornament), choir stalls, marble, pointed arch, vault, nave, glass frame, corbelstone, crossing, cruciform church, pulpit, tub, vat, stairs, medaillon, choir, chancel, niche, organ, Corinthian column, confessional, layer of bacon, Jan Baptist De Vree, Theodoor Sachman, Philippus Talboom, gebroeders Aegidius, Judocus De Cauwer, Herregouts, Lucas Faid'herbe, Pieter Paul Rubens, Guillaume of Willem Kerricx de Oudere, J.B. Capronnier, Peeters-Divoort
BEVEREN5.3 / ~ 1200
14Saint John Baptist churchSaint John Baptist church
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, spire, tower, nave, keep, donjon, sandstone, baptismal font, leaded windows, scutcheon, armorial bearings, coat of arms, wainscotting, panelwork, paneling, dado, transept, holy-water font, stoup, ridgeturret, roofturret, three-aisled, communion rail, flanking aisle, side aisle, pulpit, marble, organ, confessional, limestone, tombstone, grave stone, Pieter Paul Rubens
HERVE5.8 /
15Peter Paul Rubens' statuePeter Paul Rubens' statue
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Keywords:Administration, Pieter Paul Rubens
16The Little Saint Arnold - We-MenThe Little Saint Arnold - We-Men
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Keywords:attic, intersole (mezzanine), Ionic capital, piano nobile, Corinthian column, Bartholomeus Proost, Pieter Paul Rubens
17Fy castle - Esneux Castle - Van Parys' VillaFy castle - Esneux Castle - Van Parys' Villa
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Castle, Eclectism, New Renaissance, fronton, lantern roof, lantern tower, medaillon, turret, tower, mosaic, shellwork, Paul Saintenoy, Ernest Solvay, Edouard Van Parys, Pieter Paul Rubens
ESNEUX5.1 / 1905
18Rockox' houseRockox' house
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Gentleman's house, Museum, Renaissance, Baroque, doorway (porch), painting, furniture, Pieter Paul Rubens, Anton (Anthonie) van Dyck, Jacob Jordaens, Quinten Metseys, Teniers, Bruegel
ANTWERP5.6 / ~ 1600
19Our Ladieschurch of RupelmondeOur Ladieschurch of Rupelmonde
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Rococo, Late baroque, copper, painting, altar, crossing tower, statue (as an ornament), balustrade, railing, high altar, main altar, baptismal font, pulpit, marble, confessional, lantern roof, lantern tower, dome-shaped roof, fronton, medaillon, facade, scutcheon, armorial bearings, coat of arms, tower, choir, chancel, Jozef Paelinck, Jacob Jordaens, Pieter-Paul Merckx, Pieter Paul Rubens, Anton (Anthonie) van Dyck
KRUIBEKE5.5 / 1661
20Saint-Andreas and GislenuschurchSaint-Andreas and Gislenuschurch
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Gothic, transept, ledestone, balegemstone, saddleback roof, western tower, choir, chancel, flanking aisle, side aisle, organ, cross ribvaulting, diagonal rib vault, baptismal font, rood loft, choir screen, Hendrik Cousijn, van Peteghem, Antoon van den Heuvel, Pieter Paul Rubens
SINT-NIKLAAS5.5 / ~ 1390
21Norbertines AbbeyNorbertines Abbey
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Abbey, convent, monastery, pulpit, dome (cupola), choir, chancel, sandstone, nave, organ, Norbertijnen, Verbruggen (Verbrugghen), Gaspar de Craeyer, Pieter Paul Rubens
GRIMBERGEN5.4 / 1660