The small hall of cloth of Tielt with it's belfry was built after 1275, with the approval of Willem of Dampiere's widdow, Beatrix.
During the course of the centuries, it was destroyed several times.
The current belfry probably dates from the 15th century. The top of the tower (with pearspire) dates from 1620. At the end of the 17th century, the small hall was built round the tower.
In 1784, the city wanted to destroy the belfry, to replace it by a 'modern' city hall. But due to heavy protest by the people, those plans did not happen, and the city hall was built elsewhere. In 1882, the stair tower was added.
During the liberation, september 8th 1944, the building was quite heavily damaged. it took till 1959 for complete restauration.
The brick walls contain several scutcheon, under which Tielt's arms.
Under the halles, there is a galery with crossing vaults. On one side, the walls end on stepped gables.
The carillon, which hangs in the tower, contains 36 clocks. The 23 largest ones were melted in 1772-1773. The small ones were made in 1959.
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