This neogothic church made of bricks was built in 1844-1845 according the plans of M.Wolters, in replacement of a smaler church that stood at this emplacement.The orientation is special because the choir points to the south.
Inside there are paintings by Antoon Van Den Heuvel above the side altars: 'The adoration of the Wize' from 1652 and 'Jezus deprived of his clothes' from 1664. The neogothic furniture (we think of the pulpit and the confessional) is mostly by J.B. Hauman is from the 19th century. The main altar carries statues by Pieter de Vigne - Quyo.
Johan van Bever: 'Two leaded windowsare conserved. This will cost 15.652 euro. The county council of East Flanders has promissed subsidies therefore in march 2006.'
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