
painting in Belgium on picture(000833)


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1painting from Cathedral Saint-Rombouts' cathedralCathedral Saint-Rombouts' cathedral
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Cathedral, Brabantion Gothic, Baroque, High Gothic, Early gothic, Neo-gothic, Renaissance, marble, pinnacle, tower, ambulatory, painting, pulpit, high altar, main altar, altar, mausoleum, choir, chancel, clustered column, transept, tabernacle, cross ribvaulting, diagonal rib vault, stained glass, sculpture group, bronze, oak wood, choir stalls, cantpost, statue (as an ornament), central aisle, tub, vat, reliquary, tracery, finial, flanking aisle, side aisle, buttress, confessional, pillar, organ, basilica, crocket, crossing, nave, bay, span, radial chapel, pillar, pier, triforium, side chapel, foundations, engaged column, inbedded column, Belgian limestone or bluestone, rood loft, choir screen, copper, spiral staircase, communion rail, Hendrik en Petrus Goyers, Erasmus en Artus Quellin, Jan-Frans Pluys, Michiel Coxcie, Michiel Vervoort, Jan van den Steen, Jan-Frans van Geel, Keldermans, Jean (Jehan) d'Oisy (Osy), Anton (Anthonie) van Dyck, Gaspar de Craeyer, Lucas Faid'herbe, Willem van Hesius, Nicolaas van der Veken, Leo Pieter Suys, J.F. Langemans, Jos Devroe, Jan Gerrits, van Peteghem, Pieter Valckx
MECHELEN4.8 / 1200
2painting from Saint John the Baptist and Evangelist churchSaint John the Baptist and Evangelist church
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Keywords:Church, Baroque, Gothic, Brabantion Gothic, high altar, main altar, painting, half-relief, confessional, triptych, reliquary, pulpit, statue (as an ornament), organ, choir stalls, lancet, organ-case, marble, tombstone, grave stone, western tower, tub, vat, central aisle, bust, three-aisled, choir, chancel, sandstone, moulding, transept, chapel (in church or other building), pointed arch, horizontalising effect, nave, tunnel vault (barrel vault), window with round arch, oak wood, belfry window, putti, stuccowork, Pieter Paul Rubens, Franchoys, Nicolaas van der Veken, Pieter Valckx, Theodoor Verhaegen, Lucas Faid'herbe, Willem Herreyns, Gaspar de Craeyer, Jacob Jordaens, Duquesnoy
3painting from Saint AmandusSaint Amandus
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Norman (Romanesque), Merovingian, painting, niche, embrasure, high altar, main altar, baptismal font, Stone of Lincent, ceiling, Gobertangerstone, fanlight, light over door, boss, standing clock, rosette, monolith, acantus decoration, monstrance, statue (as an ornament), choir stalls, church treasure, candlestick, cross ribvaulting, diagonal rib vault, altar, arcade, lectern, oak wood, srewformed decoration, lancet, antependium, choir, chancel, Maas Limestone (Liege, Namur), Vinalmont stone, flanking aisle, side aisle, side altar, ciborium, chalice, goblet, beaker
LANDEN5.3 / 1211
4painting from Sint-MartinuskerkSint-Martinuskerk
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Brabantion Gothic, Louis XV, Gothic, Neo-gothic, meridian line, pinnacle, vaultal painting, stellar vaulting, painting, altar, chapter church, oak wood, crossing tower, ledestone, balegemstone, doorway (porch), ambulatory, crossing, nave, radial chapel, choir, chancel, portico, breastwork, parapet, triforium, Herman de Waghemakere, Keldermans, Jan Van Wouwe, Geraard Spillebaut, Pieter Paul Rubens, Jan Van der Moeren, Julius Goethals, Jean-Baptist Bethune, Gillis Nechelput
AALST5.4 / 1480
5painting from Our-Ladies cathedralOur-Ladies cathedral
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Cathedral, World Heritage, Norman (Romanesque), Gothic, Renaissance, painting, Stone from Doornik, crossing tower, portico, window with round arch, buttress, staircase turret, staircase tower, apse, apsis, tunnel vault (barrel vault), western block, transept, choir, chancel, pilaster, triforium, rood loft, choir screen, niche, truss, gallery, pointed arch, nave, chapel (in church or other building), flanking aisle, side aisle, three-aisled, clustered column, Pieter Paul Rubens, Cornelis Floris de Vriendt (Floris)
6painting from Saint-Bavo's churchSaint-Bavo's church
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie

Keywords:Church, Gothic, alabaster, painting, organ, high altar, main altar, sacristy, spire, choir, chancel, torsive colon, crossing tower, side altar, statue (as an ornament), flanking aisle, side aisle, Stone from Doornik, ledestone, balegemstone, marble, sandstone, transept, van Peteghem, Antoon van den Heuvel, Romain-Eugeen van Maldeghem, Oscar Hoge, Thomas Blaton
7painting from Saint Agatha's church (in Landskouter)Saint Agatha's church (in Landskouter)
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie

Keywords:Church, Rococo, Early gothic, organ, single-aisled, painting, statue (as an ornament), cruciform church, side altar, high altar, main altar, communion rail, sandstone, wainscotting, panelwork, paneling, dado, pulpit, tub, vat, cartouch, rood loft, choir screen, van Peteghem, Jacob Van Oost, Domien Cruyt
8painting from Holy Cross church (in Heusden)Holy Cross church (in Heusden)
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie

Keywords:Church, Neo-gothic, painting, choir, chancel, side altar, leaded windows, brick, confessional, pulpit, furniture, Mathias Wolters, J.B. Hauman, Antoon van den Heuvel, Pierre De Vigne - Quyo
9painting from Saint Amandus' church (in Eke)Saint Amandus' church (in Eke)
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie

Keywords:Church, Neo-gothic, lancet, cross ribvaulting, diagonal rib vault, painting, tower, scutcheon, armorial bearings, coat of arms, Antoon van den Heuvel
NAZARETH5.6 / 1912
10painting from Saint-Gerulphus' church (in Drongen)Saint-Gerulphus' church (in Drongen)
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie

Keywords:Church, New Baroque, reliquary, painting, stained glass, high altar, main altar, side altar, oak wood, Antoon van den Heuvel, F. Cardon
GENT5.3 / 1858
11painting from Saint-Joirs' churchSaint-Joirs' church
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie

Keywords:Church, Early gothic, crossing tower, painting, choir, chancel, spire, three-aisled, transept, organ, saddleback roof, nave, Nicolaas Roose (de Liemaeckere), Fr. J. Coppejans, Jozef Paelinck, van Peteghem
12painting from Saint Peter and Saint Paul's church (in Middelburg)Saint Peter and Saint Paul's church (in Middelburg)
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie

Keywords:Church, Late gothic, crossing tower, painting, transept, choir, chancel, candlestick, copper, confessional, high altar, main altar, scutcheon, armorial bearings, coat of arms, Jan Ryckx, Francken, Bruegel, Jozef van den Kerckove, Bernard Fricx, Van Wassenhove, Rogier van der Weyden
13painting from Our Ladies Birth church (in Kluizen)Our Ladies Birth church (in Kluizen)
(Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie (thanks!))
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie

Keywords:Church, Classicism, painting, choir, chancel, hall-church, three-aisled, stuccowork, western tower, central aisle, P. Beernaert, Nicolaas de Liemaeckere, Louis Minard
14painting from Saint-Christoph's churchSaint-Christoph's church
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie

Keywords:Church, Classicism, marble, high altar, main altar, painting, three-aisled, baptismal font, organ, Jozef Paelinck, L. Willemsen, Jozef Pauwels, Drieghe, Jozef Nimmegeers, J. Reygaert
EVERGEM5.5 / 1785
15painting from Our Ladieschurch of RupelmondeOur Ladieschurch of Rupelmonde
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Rococo, Late baroque, copper, painting, altar, crossing tower, statue (as an ornament), balustrade, railing, high altar, main altar, baptismal font, pulpit, marble, confessional, lantern roof, lantern tower, dome-shaped roof, fronton, medaillon, facade, scutcheon, armorial bearings, coat of arms, tower, choir, chancel, Jozef Paelinck, Jacob Jordaens, Pieter-Paul Merckx, Pieter Paul Rubens, Anton (Anthonie) van Dyck
KRUIBEKE5.5 / 1661
16painting from Saint James' ChurchSaint James' Church
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Keywords:Church, Grave, graveyard, Baroque, ambulatory, stellar vaulting, narthex, high altar, main altar, confessional, radial chapel, side altar, choir stalls, altar, flanking aisle, side aisle, painting, pulpit, central aisle, marble, capital, organ, rood loft, choir screen, parclose, breastwork, parapet, candlestick, arcade, pillar, Corinthian column, triforium, Pieter Paul Rubens, S. de Neve, Keldermans, Domien de Waghemakere, Michiel. Senior van der Voort (ook Vervoort), Jacob Jordaens, Gaspar de Craeyer
ANTWERP5.3 / ~ 1491
17painting from Carolus Borromeus ChurchCarolus Borromeus Church
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Baroque, stuccowork, high altar, main altar, pillar order, coffer, belt arch, pulpit, Dorian colons, organ, Corinthian column, Ionic colons, apse, apsis, baroque porche, portal, confessional, painting, wood-carving, wood-engraving, baroque façade, galery, statue (as an ornament), nave, flanking aisle, side aisle, tower, marble, pilaster, chapel (in church or other building), painted ceiling, pinnacle, Jezuïten, Jan Peter van Baurscheit de Oudere, Jozef Druart, Pieter Paul Rubens, Michiel. Senior van der Voort (ook Vervoort), de Nole
ANTWERP5.7 / 1615
18painting from VondelVondel
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Keywords:Horeca, Louis XIV, painting, Teniers
GHENT5.7 / ~ 1710
19painting from Warfusée CastleWarfusée Castle
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Castle, painting, Theodore-Edmond Plumier
20painting from Saint-Martin's churchSaint-Martin's church
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie

Keywords:Church, Rococo, Neo-gothic, organ, hall-church, pulpit, high altar, main altar, painting, choir, chancel, three-aisled, transept, tower, Antoon van den Heuvel, Jacob Martens, L. Lovart, J. Van den Bogaerde
21painting from Averbodes' abbeyAverbodes' abbey
Picture by Jos Henckens

Keywords:Abbey, convent, monastery, Church, Baroque, Demer gothic, Rococo, Louis XV, Louis XVI, gate house, iron sandstone holding limonite, painting, choir stalls, statue (as an ornament), single-aisled, basilica, crossing, truss, side altar, high altar, main altar, gradin, crypt, tower, sundial, sun clock, sun calendar, fronton, bullion (oculus), candlestick, choir, chancel, copper, spire, medaillon, oak wood, scutcheon, armorial bearings, coat of arms, nave, brick, transept, Feuillien Houssar, Jacob II Vanden Eynde, J.J. Stenot, Pieter-Joseph Verhagen, Georges-Denis Bayar, Erasmus en Artus Quellin, Pieter Scheemaeckers, Oktaaf Herry, Verbruggen (Verbrugghen), Lucas Faid'herbe
22painting from Saint-Aldegondis' church (in Deurle)Saint-Aldegondis' church (in Deurle)
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie

Keywords:Church, Neo-classicism, brick, pulpit, painting, tabernacle, altar, Jan Van de Capelle
23painting from Our Ladies' churchOur Ladies' church
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie

Keywords:Church, Classicism, painting, confessional
24painting from Saint Anthony church (in Bosbeke)Saint Anthony church (in Bosbeke)
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie

Keywords:Church, Classicism, Late gothic, painting, high altar, main altar, pulpit, crossing tower, side altar, statue (as an ornament), confessional, flanking aisle, side aisle, baptismal font, half-relief, tombstone, grave stone, Gaspar de Craeyer, Antoon van den Heuvel, Nicolaas de Liemaeckere, Julius Goethals, Frans Somers, J.B. Van Eycken
HERZELE5.6 / ~ 1659
25painting from Saint Peter & Paul's churchSaint Peter & Paul's church
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Gothic, organ-case, bell, terra cotta, pulpit, belfry window, high altar, main altar, confessional, painting, calvary, statue (as an ornament), western tower, baptismal font, three-aisled, Belgian limestone or bluestone, tunnel vault (barrel vault), nave, choir, chancel, transept, F.J. Verbruecken
26painting from Saint-Adrian's church (in Adegem)Saint-Adrian's church (in Adegem)
(Our-Lady donnates scapulier to Holy Simon Stock by Jozef Pauwels (Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie))
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie

Keywords:Church, Neo-Romanesque, Classicism, Late Romanesque (Norman), painted ceiling, ceiling, high altar, main altar, choir, chancel, painting, three-aisled, organ-case, doorway (porch), organ, saddleback roof, pulpit, confessional, crossing, nave, fronton, crossing tower, Jozef Pauwels, Theodoor De Heuvel, Karel Bruggeman, Louis Minard, Gebroeders Loncke
27painting from Onze-Lieve-VrouwkerkOnze-Lieve-Vrouwkerk
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Neo-gothic, Norman (Romanesque), cross ribvaulting, diagonal rib vault, pulpit, verticalising effect, mosaic, mausoleum, scutcheon, armorial bearings, coat of arms, clustered column, crypt, statue (as an ornament), triforium, doorway (porch), organ, baptismal font, polychromy, foliage capital, painting, capital, marble, baldachin (canopy), choir, chancel, dome-shaped roof, vault, spire, tympanum, cone, confessional, Gaspar de Craeyer, Joseph Poelaert, Koning Leopold I, Joseph Cardijn, P. Schyven, Koning Leopold II, Alphonse Groothaert, Koning Boudewijn I, Koning Leopold III, von Schmidt, Patrick Colon
28painting from Out Lady of the Assistance churchOut Lady of the Assistance church
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Keywords:Church, Renaissance, Baroque, tabernacle, statue (as an ornament), centralized pattern, facade, face, apse, apsis, dome (cupola), tabernacle, plan, painting, organ, flame vase, scutcheon, armorial bearings, coat of arms, choir, chancel, Ionic capital, gallery, pilaster, nave, gable, fronton, Jan Cortvrindt, Pieter-Paul Merckx, Willem De Bruyn
BRUSSELS5.5 / 1664
29painting from Rubens' houseRubens' house
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Museum, Baroque, 16th century traditional architecture (maconry and sandstone), ring colon, arbour, attic, recessed balcony, loggia, sandstone, portico, tabernacle, statue (as an ornament), painting, galery, wing, aisle, portrait, inner court, fronton, cross-bar frame, Pieter Paul Rubens, Jan Boeckhorst, Hans van Mildert
30painting from Saint Waudru churchSaint Waudru church
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Brabantion Gothic, Neo-gothic, triforium, half-relief, tracery, side altar, stained glass, plan, pier arch, trefoil arch, nave, western block, radial chapel, transept, choir, chancel, trilobate, trefoil tracery, painting, flanking aisle, side aisle, reliquary, alabaster, organ, Jan Spijskens, Matheus De Layens, Van Tulden
MONS5.5 / 1450
31painting from Saint Alexius' and Saint Catharina's churchSaint Alexius' and Saint Catharina's church
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, confessional, painting, organ-case, Corinthian column, capital, high altar, main altar, van Yperseel, Jan Frans Boeckstuyns, Jacob Franquart, Lucas Faid'herbe, Pieter Huyssens, Theodoor van Loon, Jan Cossiers, Jan van den Steen, Franchoys, Gaspar de Craeyer, Theodoor Boeyermans
MECHELEN5.2 / ~ 1627
32painting from Schermenheuvel BasilicaSchermenheuvel Basilica
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Baroque, dome (cupola), basilica, iron sandstone holding limonite, painting, radial chapel, tower, sandstone, altar, carillon, Wenceslas Cobergher, Elisabeth, Gebr. Nole, Theodoor van Loon
33painting from Saint-Amand's churchSaint-Amand's church
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie

Keywords:Church, choir, chancel, organ, painting, Jan Van Cleef, Verhasselt, H. De Bodt
ZOTTEGEM5.4 / ~ 1834
34painting from Our-Ladies' church (in Veulen)Our-Ladies' church (in Veulen)
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Keywords:Church, Gothic, Neo-gothic, flanking aisle, side aisle, ceiling, tower, painting
HEERS5.7 /
35Saint-Daniel's church (in Beervelde)
Keywords:Church, Neo-gothic, Early gothic, tower, pulpit, three-aisled, painting, confessional, marble, holy-water font, stoup, statue (as an ornament)
36painting from Our Ladies Assomption church (in Watervliet)Our Ladies Assomption church (in Watervliet)
(Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie (thanks!))
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie

Keywords:Church, Gothic, Neo-gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Late gothic, pulpit, organ, breastwork, parapet, three-aisled, transept, nave, choir, chancel, crossing, bay, span, painting, ambulatory, radial chapel, communion rail, choir stalls, statue (as an ornament), triptych, high altar, main altar, mausoleum, marble, inner hall, Hendrik Pulinx, Gebroeders Loncke, Boudewijn Ledou, Auguste Van Assche, Keldermans, Jacob d'Artois, Joos de Laval, P. Aelman, Simon Pieters, Jacob Sauvage, Gaspar de Craeyer, Lucas Faid'herbe, Daniël Seghers
37Ledoux art nouveau house
Keywords:House in a row, Art Nouveau, dripstone moulding, bay, span, facade, string, painting, J. Ledoux
38painting from Saint Denis' church (in Kalken)Saint Denis' church (in Kalken)
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie

Keywords:Church, Norman (Romanesque), Late gothic, organ, crossing tower, painting, choir, chancel, net or lierne vaulting, flanking aisle, side aisle, Stone from Doornik, ledestone, balegemstone, sandstone, confessional, transept, Louis de la Haye, Lucas Floquet, Gaspar de Craeyer, van Peteghem, Antoon Bernard Baele, Gebroeders Loncke
39painting from Rockox' houseRockox' house
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Gentleman's house, Museum, Renaissance, Baroque, doorway (porch), painting, furniture, Pieter Paul Rubens, Anton (Anthonie) van Dyck, Jacob Jordaens, Quinten Metseys, Teniers, Bruegel
ANTWERP5.6 / ~ 1600
40painting from Sint-MichaelschurchSint-Michaelschurch
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Baroque, Rococo, piece of aisle, sandstone, art treasure, three-aisled, volute, gable, painting, festoon, swag, pulpit, flame vase, candlestick, iron sandstone holding limonite, fronton, Jezuïten, Willem van Hesius, Mispelter, Erasmus en Artus Quellin
LEUVEN5.4 / 1650
41painting from Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk LissewegeOnze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk Lissewege
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Baroque, Early gothic, organ-case, pulpit, western tower, brick, three-aisled, choir, chancel, painting, ceiling, oak wood, flanking aisle, side aisle, Stone from Doornik, transept, belfry window, pillar, buttress, nave, vault, triforium, Walgram Rombouts, van Peteghem, Jacob Van Oost
BRUGGE5.7 / 1225
42painting from St James the Greater church (in Gits)St James the Greater church (in Gits)
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Keywords:Church, Neo-gothic, spire, guerite tower, turret, hall-church, painting, Pieter Claeys, Jacob Van Oost
HOOGLEDE5.5 / 1847
43painting from Saint-Martin's church (in Schelderode)Saint-Martin's church (in Schelderode)
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie

Keywords:Church, crossing tower, sculpture group, transept, nave, painting
44painting from Saint-Stephanus' church (in 's Herenelderen)Saint-Stephanus' church (in 's Herenelderen)
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Late gothic, Gothic, Baroque, lancet, marl stone, tracery, trilobate, trefoil tracery, three-aisled, trefoil arch, painting, medaillon, high altar, main altar, tombstone, grave stone, retable, flanking aisle, side aisle, stained glass, stairhall, confessional, choir, chancel, triumph cross, Lohest
45painting from Saint-Peters church (in Dikkele)Saint-Peters church (in Dikkele)
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie

Keywords:Church, Strange, Neo-classicism, choir, chancel, pulpit, tombstone, grave stone, painting, De Perre - Montigny
ZWALM5.1 / ~ 1840
46painting from Saint Anna's church (In Bottelare)Saint Anna's church (In Bottelare)
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie

Keywords:Church, Baroque, doorway (porch), ledestone, balegemstone, volute, western tower, three-aisled, tabernacle, shellwork, organ, baptismal font, painting, copper, Jan Van Cleef, van Peteghem, M. Delmotte
MERELBEKE5.4 / 1641
47painting from Saint-Peter and Paul's church (in Bachte-Maria-Leerne)Saint-Peter and Paul's church (in Bachte-Maria-Leerne)
(Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie (thanks!))
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie

Keywords:Church, Norman (Romanesque), Late gothic, confessional, Stone from Doornik, brick facade, bay, span, baptismal font, choir stalls, painting, copper, Jan Intbroeck
48painting from Saint Martin's church (in Baarle-Drongen)Saint Martin's church (in Baarle-Drongen)
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie

Keywords:Church, Neo-gothic, painting, F. Cardon
49painting from Saint-Bavo's church (in Baaigem)Saint-Bavo's church (in Baaigem)
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie

Keywords:Norman (Romanesque), organ, pulpit, crossing tower, triforium, baptismal font, nave, aisle, sacristy, confessional, nave, fronton, choir, chancel, transept, painting, Geirnaert, H.F. De Volder, Hugo van der Goes
50painting from Eglise des Minimes - MiniemenkerkEglise des Minimes - Miniemenkerk
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Classicism, Baroque, dome (cupola), tower, transept, choir, chancel, nave, crossing, pulpit, painting, facade, face, Willem De Bruyn, Jan Cossiers
BRUSSELS5.3 / 1700
51painting from Onze-Lieve-Vrouw, Hulp der ChristenenkerkOnze-Lieve-Vrouw, Hulp der Christenenkerk
(Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie (thanks!))
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie

Keywords:Church, Neo-gothic, painting, Jan August Clarisse (Clarysse), J. van Baelen
AALTER5.5 / 1850
52painting from Saint-Ghislenus' church in WaarschootSaint-Ghislenus' church in Waarschoot
(Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie (thanks!!))
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie

Keywords:Church, Gothic, western tower, transept, organ, three-aisled, choir, chancel, confessional, pulpit, communion rail, painting, J. Reygaert, Hendrik Pulinx, Gaspar de Craeyer, Matthias Visch, Otto Van Veen
53painting from Saint-Lambert's church (in kessel)Saint-Lambert's church (in kessel)
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Gothic, spiral staircase, corbelstone, choir stalls, verticalising effect, lancet, confessional, sandstone, cross ribvaulting, diagonal rib vault, pulpit, staircase turret, staircase tower, three-aisled, nave, choir, chancel, tower, reliquary, statue (as an ornament), painting, Fr. Bastiaens, Leonard Blomme, J. Heylen, Hiéronymus Convent
54painting from Beguinage churchBeguinage church
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, High Gothic, Rococo, lancet, saddleback roof, tombstone, grave stone, sandstone, trilobate, trefoil tracery, ridgeturret, roofturret, quatrefoil, capital, choir, chancel, choir stalls, trefoil arch, oak wood, tracery, side altar, high altar, main altar, pulpit, confessional, organ, doorway (porch), painting
LEUVEN5.4 / 1305
55painting from Saint-Martinschurch (Gijzegem)Saint-Martinschurch (Gijzegem)
Arch. Filip Gobert.
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Classicism, spire, tabernacle, lantern roof, lantern tower, choir, chancel, altar, pulpit, marble, organ, confessional, painting, Filip Gobert, Augustijnen, van Peteghem
AALST5.6 / 1771
56painting from Our-Ladies Assomption church (in Munsterbilzen)Our-Ladies Assomption church (in Munsterbilzen)
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Neo-gothic, Norman (Romanesque), Late gothic, belfry window, carillon, buttress, trilobate, trefoil tracery, pinnacle, tracery, choir, chancel, gable, painting, statue (as an ornament), crocket, church treasure, baptismal font, pointed arch, tower, nave, arched corbel course, transept
BILZEN5 / 1851
57painting from Saint-AldegondisChurchSaint-AldegondisChurch
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Museum, Grave, graveyard, Maasgothic, western tower, marl stone, sacristy, painting, tombstone, grave stone, three-aisled, altar, flanking aisle, side aisle, bench, capital, pillar, limestone
AS5.5 /
58painting from Townhall Townhall
Arch Sulpitius van Vorst - Jan Keldermans - Mattheus de Layens . Rest.D.Everaerts. - P.Langerock
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Town hall, city hall, War damage, Brabantion Gothic, Late gothic, turret, tabernacle, baldachin (canopy), statue (as an ornament), crocket, dado, socle, saddleback roof, gable, oak wood, tower, ceiling, painting, cellar, Sulpitius van Vorst, Matheus De Layens, D. Everaerts, Keldermans, Jef Lambeaux, P. Langerock, Constantin Meunier
LEUVEN5.7 / 1439
59painting from CityhallCityhall
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Keywords:Town hall, city hall, Late classicism, Empire, Corinthian column, bust, galery, baluster, gilt, pillar, pier, Belgian limestone or bluestone, tabernacle, pillar, balcony, fronton, breastwork, parapet, painting, Drossaert, Pieter Paul Rubens, Anton (Anthonie) van Dyck
TIENEN5.6 / 1635