
layer of bacon in Belgium on picture(000002)


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1layer of bacon from Johannes the Baptist churchJohannes the Baptist church
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Gothic, layer of bacon, a secco, wall painting, tower, carillon, bell
WAVRE5.3 / ~ 1480
2layer of bacon from Heers CastleHeers Castle
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Keywords:Castle, Maas Renaissance, Gothic, layer of bacon, marl stone, brick
HEERS5.6 /
3layer of bacon from Saint-John the Baptist church (Werchter)Saint-John the Baptist church (Werchter)
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Gothic, layer of bacon, sandstone, choir, chancel, iron sandstone holding limonite, western tower, transept, nave, staircase turret, staircase tower, sacristy
4layer of bacon from Butcher's Hall - Sound of the CityButcher's Hall - Sound of the City
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Museum, Guildhall, Gothic, layer of bacon, Domien de Waghemakere
5layer of bacon from Altena CastleAltena Castle
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Castle, layer of bacon, stepped gable, turret, Josef Schadde
6layer of bacon from Saint Germaine ChurchSaint Germaine Church
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Norman (Romanesque), Gothic, Early gothic, High Gothic, window with round arch, bell, column dividing a window or door, lancet, transept, layer of bacon, tracery, quartzite, carillon, western tower, sandstone, spire, baptismal font, statue (as an ornament), triforium, tower, nave, choir, chancel, organ-case, P. Langerock, Auguste Van Assche
7layer of bacon from Horst Calste (in Sint-Pieters-Rode)Horst Calste (in Sint-Pieters-Rode)
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Castle, Chapel, Castle, Coach house, Gothic, embrasure, cross-bar frame, layer of bacon, keep, donjon, corbeling out, crenel (merlon), crenelation, battlement, spire, wallwalk (inner gallery), Tuscan colons, semi-circular (round) arch, wall painting, ceiling, stuccowork, anchor
HOLSBEEK5.8 / ~ 1100
8layer of bacon from Meat hallMeat hall
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Guildhall, Neo-gothic, lancet, layer of bacon, facade
LIER6 / ~ 1418
9layer of bacon from Freyr CastleFreyr Castle
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Keywords:Castle, Maas Renaissance, Rococo, summer house, layer of bacon, brick, middle ressault, stone, cross-bar frame, bay, span
10layer of bacon from Zaffelare castleZaffelare castle
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Keywords:Castle, layer of bacon, stepped gable, brick facade, Jan Rooms, Hugo Van den Daele
11layer of bacon from Chapel Poeke (in Poeke)Chapel Poeke (in Poeke)
(Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie (thanks!))
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie

Keywords:Chapel, layer of bacon
12layer of bacon from The Tower (guard tower)The Tower (guard tower)
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:tower, layer of bacon, staircase turret, staircase tower, brick, scutcheon, armorial bearings, coat of arms
NIVELLES5.1 / ~ 1625
13layer of bacon from Saint-ApolloniachurchSaint-Apolloniachurch
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Keywords:Church, Classicism, Late gothic, layer of bacon, western tower, anchor, choir, chancel, marble, Cesar Cesar Vanhevele
14layer of bacon from The 4 seasons, Summer, Automn, Winter and SpringThe 4 seasons, Summer, Automn, Winter and Spring
Arch. Joseph Bascourt.
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Gentleman's house, Corner house, Art Nouveau, mosaic, wall mosaic, oriel, projecting window, polychromy, cabinetwork, symbolism, layer of bacon, masonry, Joseph Bascourt
ANTWERP5.5 / 1899
15layer of bacon from The SwanThe Swan
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Keywords:Corner house, gable, layer of bacon, bullion (oculus), marl stone, brick
16layer of bacon from Mores FarmMores Farm
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Closed farm, Strange, layer of bacon, tower, spire
17layer of bacon from Our Ladies' churchOur Ladies' church
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Demer gothic, iron sandstone holding limonite, layer of bacon, sandstone
18layer of bacon from Our Ladies' chapel (in 's Gravenvoeren)Our Ladies' chapel (in 's Gravenvoeren)
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Keywords:Chapel, layer of bacon, hirondelle tail
19layer of bacon from Méan Court (in Bolder)Méan Court (in Bolder)
Picture by Hans Lenaerts

Keywords:Castle, Gentry fram, cross-bar frame, layer of bacon, brick, marl stone
20layer of bacon from Den Roosenboom (the Rose Tree)Den Roosenboom (the Rose Tree)
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Keywords:Shop, stepped gable, layer of bacon, brick, sandstone
21layer of bacon from The Emperor's CourtThe Emperor's Court
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Keywords:Corner house, layer of bacon, stepped gable, passage under semi-circular arch, wrought iron, sandstone, anchor
ANTWERP5.5 / ~ 1550
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Keywords:House in a row, Baroque, stepped gable, brick, layer of bacon
ANTWERP5.5 / 1475
23layer of bacon from Refuge House of Herkenrode AbbeyeRefuge House of Herkenrode Abbeye
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Keywords:Abbey, convent, monastery, Gothic, Maas Renaissance, springer, arculated arch, ogee arch, cross-bar frame, spoutfacade, segmental arch, layer of bacon, trilobate, trefoil tracery, dripstone moulding, wing, aisle, Cistercienzers, Lauwereys Bollen
HASSELT5.5 / 1542
24layer of bacon from Renovated workers housesRenovated workers houses
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Keywords:House in a row, Corner house, brick, anchor, layer of bacon, moulding
GHENT5.6 / 1889
25layer of bacon from Ter Heyden TowerTer Heyden Tower
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:keep, donjon, layer of bacon, vault, spiral staircase, iron sandstone holding limonite, tunnel vault (barrel vault), brick, sandstone
ROTSELAAR5.6 / ~ 1350
26layer of bacon from Corn Measurer's houseCorn Measurer's house
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Guildhall, Baroque, Renaissance, stepped gable, facade, moulding, volute, sandstone, cartouch, layer of bacon, brick, cross-bar frame, festoon, swag, Joseph De Waele
GHENT5.9 / 1698
Keywords:Court of justice, Courthouse, justice of the peace court, tower, layer of bacon, spire, column, statue (as an ornament), gilt, kiosk, stand, Valentin Vaerwyck
28Pharmacy Delacre
Keywords:Corner house, Shop, Neo-gothic, New Renaissance, facade, pinnacle, stepped gable, crocket, finial, semi-circular (round) arch, layer of bacon, basket-handle arch, cross-bar frame, Brugian span, Paul Saintenoy
29layer of bacon from Hotel De Swaen (in 's Gravenvoeren)Hotel De Swaen (in 's Gravenvoeren)
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Keywords:Horeca, Chapel, Baroque, brick, layer of bacon, marl stone
30layer of bacon from Ordingen CastleOrdingen Castle
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Castle, War damage, Orangery, New Renaissance, dove tower, stair hall, stuccowork, embrasure, jamb, chimneyhood, open truss, gate house, castle moat, obelisk, wrought iron, fanlight, light over door, cellar, stone, tower, turret, cross-bar frame, layer of bacon, Josef Schadde, Gustave Saintenoy
31layer of bacon from Saint Amand churchSaint Amand church
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)

Keywords:Church, Neo-Romanesque, triforium, confessional, semi-circular (round) arch, arcade, tunnel vault (barrel vault), brick, rose window, leaded windows, foliage capital, organ, pillar, column dividing a window or door, apse, apsis, nave, western tower, baptismal font, choir, chancel, layer of bacon, Josef Schadde
ROESELARE5.5 / 1869
32layer of bacon from Sint-MartinuskerkSint-Martinuskerk
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)

Keywords:Church, Gothic, Baroque, crossing tower, arched corbel course, flanking aisle, side aisle, altar, arcade, communion rail, ribbed vault, pillar, pier, high altar, main altar, wood-carving, wood-engraving, wainscotting, panelwork, paneling, dado, statue (as an ornament), choir stalls, marble, pointed arch, vault, nave, glass frame, corbelstone, crossing, cruciform church, pulpit, tub, vat, stairs, medaillon, choir, chancel, niche, organ, Corinthian column, confessional, layer of bacon, Jan Baptist De Vree, Theodoor Sachman, Philippus Talboom, gebroeders Aegidius, Judocus De Cauwer, Herregouts, Lucas Faid'herbe, Pieter Paul Rubens, Guillaume of Willem Kerricx de Oudere, J.B. Capronnier, Peeters-Divoort
BEVEREN5.3 / ~ 1200