Pos | Mini thumb | Name | Place | Score | Begin year | 1 |  | Ruins and museum of the Old Abbey of Orval Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Abbey, convent, monastery, Ruins, Church, Neo-gothic, Norman (Romanesque), Gothic, pointed arch, gold-plated silver, solar monstrance, scalemodel, chapter room or house, historiated or figured capital, foliage capital, chalice, goblet, beaker, ribbed vault, stocky pillar, bud capital, crocket capital, inner court, capital, boss, baptismal font, cloisters, fountain, pillar, ambulatory, crossing, central aisle, Cistercienzers, Benedictijnen | FLORENVILLE | 5.6 / | 1071 | 2 |  | Saint Paul Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Church, spire, monstrance, chalice, goblet, beaker, church treasure, wood-carving, wood-engraving, altar, solar monstrance, cross ribvaulting, diagonal rib vault, organ, calvary, confessional, nave, stellar vaulting, Michiel. Senior van der Voort (ook Vervoort), Dominicanen | ANTWERP | 5.5 / | 1679 | 3 |  | Saint-Ursmer in Binche Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Gothic, Louis XV, Louis XVI, Baroque, chapter church, reliquary, wainscotting, panelwork, paneling, dado, belfry window, chalice, goblet, beaker, baptismal font, balustrade, railing, side altar, weather vane, oak wood, column, crucifix, pietà , holy-water font, stoup, church treasure, ribbed vault, choir stalls, arcade, nave, pulpit, ogive or ogee arch, Escausine stone, chapel (in church or other building), lantern roof, lantern tower, parclose, sandstone, window threshold, marble, doorway (porch), brick, organ, flanking aisle, side aisle, rood loft, choir screen | BINCHE | 5.1 / | | 4 |  | Saint Amandus Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Church, Norman (Romanesque), Merovingian, painting, niche, embrasure, high altar, main altar, baptismal font, Stone of Lincent, ceiling, Gobertangerstone, fanlight, light over door, boss, standing clock, rosette, monolith, acantus decoration, monstrance, statue (as an ornament), choir stalls, church treasure, candlestick, cross ribvaulting, diagonal rib vault, altar, arcade, lectern, oak wood, srewformed decoration, lancet, antependium, choir, chancel, Maas Limestone (Liege, Namur), Vinalmont stone, flanking aisle, side aisle, side altar, ciborium, chalice, goblet, beaker | LANDEN | 5.3 / | 1211 |