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301Het SchrijnHet Schrijn
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
LEUVEN5.7 / 2448~ 1938
302Holy Cross churchHoly Cross church
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie
MOERBEKE5.7 / 1644
303Lovefield castleLovefield castle
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie
AALTER5.7 / 1669
304Brussels GateBrussels Gate
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
MECHELEN5.7 / 1935~ 1264
305Leopold II galleryLeopold II gallery
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
SPA5.7 / 1959~ 1878
306Exaerde castle (in Humelgem)Exaerde castle (in Humelgem)
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
307Le PaigeLe Paige
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
HERENTALS5.7 / 1006
308Saint Hubert's church (in Haccourt)Saint Hubert's church (in Haccourt)
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
OUPEYE5.7 / 2060
309Eld Augustins abbey - Saint-MichielcollegeEld Augustins abbey - Saint-Michielcollege
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
BREE5.7 / 4568
310Tour d'OultremontTour d'Oultremont
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
HUY5.7 / 1854~ 1559
311Castle alleyCastle alley
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
LAARNE5.7 / 2011
312In the Fig TreeIn the Fig Tree
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
MECHELEN5.7 / 1987~ 1500
313Spanish HouseSpanish House
Picture by Hans Lenaerts
TONGEREN5.7 / 2189
314Wissekerke castle (in Basel)Wissekerke castle (in Basel)
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
KRUIBEKE5.7 / 2044
315Beaver DamBeaver Dam
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
DOISCHE5.7 / 1866
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
TONGEREN5.7 / 2032~ 1120
317Former WarehouseFormer Warehouse
Picture by M. Vollaert (Collectie)
GHENT5.7 / 1619~ 1719
318Saint-Peter's church (in Lincent)Saint-Peter's church (in Lincent)
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
LINCENT5.7 / 2287
319Tree close to Our Ladies' chapel in LoretteTree close to Our Ladies' chapel in Lorette
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
ROCHEFORT5.7 / 4746
320Railway museumRailway museum
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
MALDEGEM5.7 / 1788
321Vroegere stadhuisVroegere stadhuis
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
HERENTALS5.7 / 1986
322The Tomcat and the CatThe Tomcat and the Cat
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
BRUSSELS5.7 / 1874~ 1874
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
JETTE5.7 / 1334
324Saint Dionysus' church in OpoeterenSaint Dionysus' church in Opoeteren
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
MAASEIK5.7 / 1944~ 1571
325Bridge Langerei - PotteriereiBridge Langerei - Potterierei
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
BRUGES5.7 / 1913
326Bridge of Peace (Vredesbrug)Bridge of Peace (Vredesbrug)
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
WILLEBROEK5.7 / 2333~ 1947
327Basilique Notre-Dame de TongreBasilique Notre-Dame de Tongre
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
CHIEVRES5.7 / 2005
Picture by Johan De Bock
IEPER5.7 / 1839
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
WALCOURT5.7 / 2116
330House in RenovationHouse in Renovation
Picture by Johan De Bock
GHENT5.7 / 1818
331Old castle of FarciennesOld castle of Farciennes
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
FARCIENNES5.7 / 1971
332Rood Kasteeltje (te Merendree)Rood Kasteeltje (te Merendree)
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie
NEVELE5.7 / 2041
333Our-Ladies' church (in Veulen)Our-Ladies' church (in Veulen)
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
HEERS5.7 / 2047
334Saint-Servas' churchSaint-Servas' church
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
HERSELT5.7 / 2473
335City castleCity castle
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
FERRIERES5.7 / 2328
336Black HouseBlack House
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
GHENT5.7 / 1818
337Holy Ghost chapelHoly Ghost chapel
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
MECHELEN5.7 / 2534
338Foxglove flowersFoxglove flowers
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
DOISCHE5.7 / 1956
339Bareldonk chapel (in Donk)Bareldonk chapel (in Donk)
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
BERLARE5.7 / 2150
340Commandery Castle (te Sint-Pieters-Voeren)Commandery Castle (te Sint-Pieters-Voeren)
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
VOEREN5.7 / 1835
341Begijnhof noord AarschotBegijnhof noord Aarschot
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
AARSCHOT5.7 / 2502
342Provincial domain PuyenbroekProvincial domain Puyenbroek
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
WACHTEBEKE5.7 / 2007
343Town HallTown Hall
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
CHIMAY5.7 / 2349~ 1724
344Grote boerderijGrote boerderij
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
345Our Ladies' ChurchOur Ladies' Church
Picture by Jochem Baas
ARENDONK5.7 / 1963
346Town hallTown hall
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
OUDENAARDE5.7 / 2424~ 1526
347Town HallTown Hall
Picture by André Foubert
HOEILAART5.7 / 2168
348The Oak (in Melden)The Oak (in Melden)
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
OUDENAARDE5.7 / 1922
349City view - river ScheldtCity view - river Scheldt
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
GHENT5.7 / 2271
350Triomph Clock - not Roland's clock.Triomph Clock - not Roland's clock.
Picture by Bart Van Oudenhove
GHENT5.7 / 1775
351Abbeychurch of the ParcAbbeychurch of the Parc
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
LEUVEN5.7 / 2019
352Nice houseNice house
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
KRUIBEKE5.7 / 1900
353Maison de Ciment cimetièreMaison de Ciment cimetière
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
354Bakery museumBakery museum
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
VEURNE5.7 / 2202
355Chapelle Notre Dame du MarcheChapelle Notre Dame du Marche
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
JODOIGNE5.7 / 1749
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
MECHELEN5.7 / 1641
357Saint Peter's church (in Sint-Pieters-Voeren)Saint Peter's church (in Sint-Pieters-Voeren)
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
VOEREN5.7 / 2067
358Our Ladies Birth church (in Kluizen)Our Ladies Birth church (in Kluizen)
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie
EVERGEM5.7 / 1964
359View on the Maas RiverView on the Maas River
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
LIEGE5.7 / 1516
360View on ClermontView on Clermont
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
361Church (in Hévillers)Church (in Hévillers)
Picture by Paul Gouverneur
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
COUVIN5.7 / 1626
363Our Lady-of-the-seven-Pains chapel (in Doomkerke)Our Lady-of-the-seven-Pains chapel (in Doomkerke)
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie
RUISELEDE5.7 / 1824
364Leignon CastleLeignon Castle
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
CINEY5.7 / 2099
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
ANTWERP5.7 / 2209
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
COUVIN5.7 / 1955
367House of the unfree boatsmenHouse of the unfree boatsmen
Picture by Johan De Bock
GHENT5.7 / 1857~ 1739
368Old Prince-bishops palaceOld Prince-bishops palace
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
LIEGE5.7 / 2057
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
COUVIN5.7 / 2057
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
ANTOING5.7 / 2210
371Belfry and hallBelfry and hall
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
TIELT5.7 / 1606~ 1450
372Musée de la Vie WallonneMusée de la Vie Wallonne
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
LIEGE5.7 / 2423
373Saint John the Baptist Church in LiernuSaint John the Baptist Church in Liernu
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
EGHEZEE5.7 / 1935
374Cattoire Castle (te Blicquy)Cattoire Castle (te Blicquy)
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
375Ghent GateGhent Gate
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
BRUGES5.7 / 1538
376Rose in natureRose in nature
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
OPGLABBEEK5.7 / 2066
377Our Ladies CathedralOur Ladies Cathedral
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
ANTWERP5.7 / 1325~ 1352
378Bryas' Castle (in Morialmé)Bryas' Castle (in Morialmé)
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
FLORENNES5.7 / 1151
379Saint Nicloas' churchSaint Nicloas' church
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie
GENT5.7 / 2080~ 1775
380Veurs ForestVeurs Forest
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
VOEREN5.7 / 2612
381Windmill parkWindmill park
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
BRUGES5.7 / 2394
382Church of Sint-Jacob-op-de-KoudenbergChurch of Sint-Jacob-op-de-Koudenberg
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
BRUSSELS5.7 / 1371~ 1785
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
LAARNE5.7 / 1911
384Broel bridge and towersBroel bridge and towers
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
KORTRIJK5.7 / 1993~ 1385
385Old FarmOld Farm
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
Picture by Willy Tack
DEINZE5.7 / 2213
387Vinalmont CastleVinalmont Castle
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
WANZE5.7 / 2103
388Our Ladies' BasilicaOur Ladies' Basilica
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
TONGEREN5.7 / 2064~ 1140
389Graveyard Sint-PietersveldGraveyard Sint-Pietersveld
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
RUISELEDE5.7 / 1773
390Van Eycks' house  - former Small AmeedeVan Eycks' house - former Small Ameede
Picture by Johan De Bock
GHENT5.7 / 4886~ 1828
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
BRUGGE5.7 / 2052
392Saint-Michaels' cathedral (Saint-Michael and  Sainte-Gudule)Saint-Michaels' cathedral (Saint-Michael and Sainte-Gudule)
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
BRUSSELS5.7 / 1139~ 1220
393Former Winterslag coalminesFormer Winterslag coalmines
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
GENK5.7 / 2108
394La Vesdre à Dolhain (ce n'est pas la Meuse!!)La Vesdre à Dolhain (ce n'est pas la Meuse!!)
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
LIMBOURG5.7 / 4753
395Our Ladies' chruch (in Kermt)Our Ladies' chruch (in Kermt)
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
HASSELT5.7 / 4808
396Panorama with bridge (in Moresnet)Panorama with bridge (in Moresnet)
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
PLOMBIERES5.7 / 1865
397Hatmaker's street - City SquareHatmaker's street - City Square
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
BRUSSELS5.7 / 2218
398Ferme Moureau (Waha)Ferme Moureau (Waha)
Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus)
MARCHE-EN-FAMENNE5.7 / 1667~ 1650
399The baillif's houseThe baillif's house
Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview)
400Our Ladies' church (te Nazareth)Our Ladies' church (te Nazareth)
Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie
NAZARETH5.7 / 1593