Pos | Mini thumb | Name | Place | Score | Begin year | 1 |  | Town hall of Schaarbeek Arch. Jules-J.Van Ysendyck Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Early gothic, New Renaissance, glass cupola, office window, Jules-J. Van Ysendyck, Maurice Van Ysendyck | SCHAARBEEK | 5.8 / | ~ 1884 | 2 |  | Our Ladies church Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus) Keywords:Church, Early gothic, Baroque, rose window, iron sandstone holding limonite, tracery, doorway (porch), buttress, sandstone, nave, Belgian limestone or bluestone, cross ribvaulting, diagonal rib vault, choir, chancel, three-aisled, transept, lancet arch, P. Langerock | DIEST | 5.6 / | 1253 | 3 |  | Church of Our Lady Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Church, Early gothic, Gothic, Neo-Romanesque, pointed arch, western tower, doorway (porch), marble, transept, choir, chancel, radial chapel, tympanum, three-aisled, ambulatory, triforium, organ, nave, bust, bronze, bay, span, Jan Van der Asselt, Melchior Broederlam, van Peteghem, P. Schyven | KORTRIJK | 5.4 / | 1203 | 4 |  | our Ladies' church Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus) Keywords:Sad, Church, Early gothic, Maasgothic, Norman (Romanesque), pearspire, quatrefoil, trefoil arch, open work, arched corbel course, western block, glass frame, choir, chancel, lancet arch, baptismal font, chapter church, three-aisled, transept, ambulatory, organ, tower, breastwork, parapet, buttress, nave, statue (as an ornament), doorway (porch), Ladon | DINANT | 5.3 / | | 5 |  | Our-Ladies church Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Church, Ruins, Early gothic, belfry window, bell, staircase turret, staircase tower, hall-church, tower, organ, three-aisled, choir, chancel, bell chair, brick, nave, tombstone, grave stone, oak wood, altar, buttress, confessional, marble, lancet arch, Belgian limestone or bluestone | DAMME | 5.6 / | ~ 1200 | 6 |  | Saint Peter church Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Church, Norman (Romanesque), Early gothic, Late gothic, Louis XV, Neo-Romanesque, Louis XVI, embrasure, cross ribvaulting, diagonal rib vault, high altar, main altar, archivolt, hood molding, pillar, pier, flint, central aisle, bluestone, oak wood, dado, socle, tabernacle, arcade, gilt, nave, roman roof tiles, threelight, inclinatio, marl stone, stellar vaulting, fortress tower, tub, vat, stuccowork, vault, choir, chancel, baptismal font, flanking aisle, side aisle, crossing, sandstone, western tower, quartzite, glass frame | KORTESSEM | 5.6 / | 1026 | 7 |  | Clothmakers' Hall and belfry Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus) Keywords:Belfry, bell-tower, Hall, War damage, Early gothic, statue (as an ornament), cresting, fret, baldachin (canopy), corbelstone, cross ribvaulting, diagonal rib vault, lantern roof, lantern tower, dead window, trefoil arch, lancet, crenel (merlon), crenelation, battlement, guerite tower, turret, trilobate, trefoil tracery, wing, aisle, Jules Homère Martin Coomans, P.A. Pauwels | IEPER | 5.1 / | 1250 | 8 |  | Saint-Paul's cathedral Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Cathedral, Early gothic, High Gothic, Late gothic, Early romanesque (norman), transept, cross ribvaulting, diagonal rib vault, doorway (porch), crypt, stained glass, tower, vaultal painting, parclose, nave, spire, choir, chancel, clerestory, western block, pulpit | LIEGE | 5.6 / | 970 | 9 |  | St.Walburgachurch Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Church, Ruins, Early gothic, Neo-gothic, organ, clustered column, pulpit, choir stalls, oak wood, Stone from Doornik, doorway (porch), triforium, choir, chancel, pillar, vault, nave, cross ribvaulting, diagonal rib vault, truss, ambulatory, sandstone, brick, chapter room or house, western tower, transept, Auguste Van Assche, van Peteghem, Joseph Bosquet, Hendrik Pulinx | VEURNE | 5.6 / | ~ 1250 | 10 |  | Saint Dennis' church Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie Keywords:Church, Early gothic, Neo-gothic, crossing tower, Stone from Doornik, choir, chancel, scutcheon, armorial bearings, coat of arms, keystone, Henri Vaerwijck, Antoon van den Heuvel | ZWALM | 5.5 / | | 11 |  | Saint Mandus' church (in Moortsele) Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie Keywords:Church, Early gothic, Neo-gothic, Rococo, transept, choir, chancel, ledestone, balegemstone, western tower, nave, brick, pargeting, Auguste Van Assche | OOSTERZELE | 5.6 / | | 12 |  | Saint Agatha's church (in Landskouter) Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie Keywords:Church, Rococo, Early gothic, organ, single-aisled, painting, statue (as an ornament), cruciform church, side altar, high altar, main altar, communion rail, sandstone, wainscotting, panelwork, paneling, dado, pulpit, tub, vat, cartouch, rood loft, choir screen, van Peteghem, Jacob Van Oost, Domien Cruyt | OOSTERZELE | 5.9 / | | 13 |  | Saint Anna's church Picture by Jos Henckens Keywords:Church, Norman (Romanesque), Early gothic, Maas romanesque, Gothic, western block, nave, limestone, choir, chancel, arched corbel course, marl stone, lancet, flanking aisle, side aisle, tombstone, grave stone, statue (as an ornament), pointed arch, belfry window, cornice (corona), tower, triumph cross, Benedictijnen | MAASEIK | 5.6 / | | 14 |  | Saint Nicolas' church (in Aaigem) Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus) Keywords:Church, Early gothic, tower, pointed arch, mouldings, belfry window, organ, high altar, main altar, choir stalls, tombstone, grave stone, van Peteghem | ERPE - MERE | 5.5 / | ~ 1786 | 15 |  | Cathedral Saint-Rombouts' cathedral Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Cathedral, Brabantion Gothic, Baroque, High Gothic, Early gothic, Neo-gothic, Renaissance, marble, pinnacle, tower, ambulatory, painting, pulpit, high altar, main altar, altar, mausoleum, choir, chancel, clustered column, transept, tabernacle, cross ribvaulting, diagonal rib vault, stained glass, sculpture group, bronze, oak wood, choir stalls, cantpost, statue (as an ornament), central aisle, tub, vat, reliquary, tracery, finial, flanking aisle, side aisle, buttress, confessional, pillar, organ, basilica, crocket, crossing, nave, bay, span, radial chapel, pillar, pier, triforium, side chapel, foundations, engaged column, inbedded column, Belgian limestone or bluestone, rood loft, choir screen, copper, spiral staircase, communion rail, Hendrik en Petrus Goyers, Erasmus en Artus Quellin, Jan-Frans Pluys, Michiel Coxcie, Michiel Vervoort, Jan van den Steen, Jan-Frans van Geel, Keldermans, Jean (Jehan) d'Oisy (Osy), Anton (Anthonie) van Dyck, Gaspar de Craeyer, Lucas Faid'herbe, Willem van Hesius, Nicolaas van der Veken, Leo Pieter Suys, J.F. Langemans, Jos Devroe, Jan Gerrits, van Peteghem, Pieter Valckx | MECHELEN | 4.8 / | 1200 | 16 |  | Templiershouse Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus) Keywords:Stone, Post office, Early gothic, lancet, corbelstone, trilobate, trefoil tracery, spire, trefoil arch, stone, saddleback roof, breastwork, parapet, crenel (merlon), crenelation, battlement, guerite tower, turret, facade, dormer, bay, span, weather vane, finial, cresting, fret, Stephan (Etienne) Mortier | IEPER | 5.1 / | ~ 1250 | 17 |  | Belfort Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus) Keywords:Hall, War damage, Town hall, city hall, Belfry, bell-tower, Early gothic, New Renaissance, spire, carillon, bell, wing, aisle, A. Sterck | DENDERMONDE | 5.9 / | ~ 1336 | 18 |  | Our-Ladieschurch Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus) Keywords:Church, Early gothic, organ, crossing tower, baptismal font, copper, choir, chancel, nave, transept, brick, van Peteghem | DEINZE | 5.3 / | ~ 1150 | 19 |  | Ruins of the Beguinage Church Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus) Keywords:Beguinage, Ruins, War damage, Abbey, convent, monastery, Church, Early gothic, lancet, choir, chancel, tracery, Dominicanen | TIENEN | 5.4 / | ~ 1350 | 20 |  | Begijnhofkerk Sint-Agnes Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Church, Baroque, Early gothic, Norman (Romanesque), tunnel vault (barrel vault), tympanum, wall painting, side altar, high altar, main altar, choir, chancel, tympanum, passage under semi-circular arch, three-aisled, bay, span, pier arch, central aisle | SINT-TRUIDEN | 5.4 / | | 21 |  | Our-Ladies' church Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus) Keywords:Church, Illuminated, Early gothic, Gothic, Scheldt Gothic, Renaissance, spire, brick, mausoleum, tower, wall painting, bronze, flying buttress, balustrade, railing, organ, gallery, triumph cross, open work, nave, threelight, transept, choir, chancel, radial chapel, Stone from Doornik, ambulatory, buttress, turret, triforium, doorway (porch), western block, Jan Aerts, Jacob Jonghelinck, Louis Delacenserie, Jean-Brunon Rudd, Charles De Wulf, Michelangelo, Gaspar de Craeyer, Gerard David, Pourbus, Adriaan Isenbrandt, Ysenbrandt | BRUGES | 5.6 / | | 22 |  | Saint-Nicolas church Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus) Keywords:Church, Early gothic, Neo-gothic, Baroque, statue (as an ornament), three-aisled, western tower, hall-church, nave, aisle, altar, pointed arch, brick, doorway (porch), apse, apsis, choir, chancel, transept, pulpit, bell, Lodewijk De Deijster, Premonstratiënzers, Parmentier | VEURNE | 5.1 / | | 23 |  | Saint-Quentin Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Church, Early gothic, Scheldt Romanesque, Gothic, Norman (Romanesque), triforium, doorway (porch), ambulatory, pier arch, crossing, radial chapel, pointed arch, transept, marble, rood loft, choir screen, semi-circular (round) arch | TOURNAI | 5.2 / | ~ 1200 | 24 |  | Biloke abbey Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Hospital, medical, Abbey, convent, monastery, Gothic, Early gothic, Baroque, lancet, trilobate, trefoil tracery, spoutfacade, truss, brick, quatrefoil, tracery, gate house, oak wood, Stone from Doornik, chapel (in church or other building), rosette, tunnel vault (barrel vault), trefoil arch, pillar, blind arcade, dead window, campanile, bud capital, crocket capital, dormitorium, Cistercienzers | GHENT | 5.4 / | ~ 1250 | 25 |  | Saint Gangulphuschurch (in Paulatem) Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie Keywords:Church, Gothic, Early gothic, Rococo, choir, chancel, lancet, single-aisled, bay, span, nave, sacristy, sandstone, baptismal font, stuccowork, A. Bressers, Piscador | ZWALM | 5.6 / | | 26 |  | Saint-Gertrudis' church (in Piringen) (Early gothic western tower) Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus) Keywords:Church, Early gothic, Modern, western tower, flint, Jozef Deré | TONGEREN | 5.5 / | | 27 |  | Saint-Joirs' church Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie Keywords:Church, Early gothic, crossing tower, painting, choir, chancel, spire, three-aisled, transept, organ, saddleback roof, nave, Nicolaas Roose (de Liemaeckere), Fr. J. Coppejans, Jozef Paelinck, van Peteghem | EVERGEM | 5.3 / | | 28 |  | Sainte-Croix (e) Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Church, Early gothic, Late Romanesque (Norman), Maas romanesque, choir, chancel, hall-church, pointed arch, western block, lancet, nave, transept, apse, apsis, driplist out of sandstone, gallery, organ, marble | LIEGE | 5.3 / | ~ 1200 | 29 |  | Beguinage church (e) Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Church, Early gothic, Baroque, doorway (porch), basilica, three-aisled, wall painting, altar, pulpit, crossing tower, vault | TONGEREN | 5.4 / | 1294 | 30 |  | Saint-Martin's church Picture by Karel Van Belleghem Keywords:Church, Classicism, Baroque, Rococo, Early gothic, baptismal font, wainscotting, panelwork, paneling, dado, stuccowork, western tower, pargeting | BRAKEL | 5.4 / | | 31 |  | Saint Quintin's cathedral Picture by Frederik Flipkens Keywords:Cathedral, Renaissance, Baroque, Early gothic, Neo-gothic, marl stone, spire, monstrance, central aisle, choir stalls, church treasure, side chapel, pulpit, ambulatory, tower, confessional, staircase turret, staircase tower, iron sandstone holding limonite, radial chapel, choir, chancel, transept, gargouille, J. Delsaux | HASSELT | 5.5 / | | 32 | | Saint-Daniel's church (in Beervelde) Keywords:Church, Neo-gothic, Early gothic, tower, pulpit, three-aisled, painting, confessional, marble, holy-water font, stoup, statue (as an ornament) | LOCHRISTI | - | 1921 | 33 |  | Sint-Egidiuskerk (te Lembeke) (Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie (thanks!)) Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie Keywords:Church, Classicism, Early gothic, three-aisled, western tower, brick, organ, Joost Fermondt, J. Reygaert | KAPRIJKE | 5.8 / | | 34 |  | Our Ladies Assomption church (in Bassevelde) Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie Keywords:Church, Early gothic, crossing tower, baptismal font, three-aisled, choir, chancel, saddleback roof, nave, pulpit, marble, sacristy, half-relief, Jozef Nimmegeers | ASSENEDE | 5.5 / | | 35 |  | Our Ladies' church (Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie (thanks!)) Picture by Jean-Pierre Pottelancie Keywords:Church, Classicism, Early gothic, three-aisled, pulpit, western tower, Jan Vernieuwen, C.F. Chapuy, Gebroeders De Rijckere | KAPRIJKE | 5.3 / | | 36 |  | Saint-John Baptist church Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Church, Norman (Romanesque), Early gothic, window with round arch, crossing tower, three-aisled, transept, pointed arch, belfry window, baptismal font, high altar, main altar, L. de Villegas, Auguste Van Assche, A. Bressers | SINT-DENIJS-WESTREM | 5.5 / | | 37 |  | Saint-Nicolaschurch Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:War damage, Church, Dissapeared, Early gothic, rood loft, choir screen, pointed arch, bay, span, Viérin | DIXMUDE | 5.6 / | ~ 1350 | 38 |  | Saint Germaine Church Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Church, Norman (Romanesque), Gothic, Early gothic, High Gothic, window with round arch, bell, column dividing a window or door, lancet, transept, layer of bacon, tracery, quartzite, carillon, western tower, sandstone, spire, baptismal font, statue (as an ornament), triforium, tower, nave, choir, chancel, organ-case, P. Langerock, Auguste Van Assche | TIENEN | 5.4 / | | 39 |  | Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk Lissewege Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Church, Baroque, Early gothic, organ-case, pulpit, western tower, brick, three-aisled, choir, chancel, painting, ceiling, oak wood, flanking aisle, side aisle, Stone from Doornik, transept, belfry window, pillar, buttress, nave, vault, triforium, Walgram Rombouts, van Peteghem, Jacob Van Oost | BRUGGE | 5.7 / | 1225 | 40 |  | Saint-Christophes church (in Scheldewindeke) Picture by Jan Boeykens (@Quernus) Keywords:Church, Neo-gothic, Early gothic, crossing tower, nave, lancet, ledestone, balegemstone, transept, choir, chancel, nave, aisle, Auguste Van Assche | OOSTERZELE | 5.7 / | | 41 |  | Saint-Brice Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Church, War damage, Norman (Romanesque), Gothic, Early gothic, crossing tower, cross ribvaulting, diagonal rib vault, tower, western tower, choir, chancel, nave, crypt | TOURNAI | 5.4 / | | 42 |  | Town hall and belfry Keywords:Town hall, city hall, Belfry, bell-tower, Norman (Romanesque), Early gothic, Late gothic, statue (as an ornament), carillon, ledestone, balegemstone, sundial, sun clock, sun calendar, fronton, turret, bell chamber, wallwalk (inner gallery), late romanesque arches with dividing column(s), stepped gable, vault | AALST | 4.9 / | 1225 | 43 |  | Saint-Salvators' cathedral Picture by Johan Mares (@Belgiumview) Keywords:Cathedral, Illuminated, Gothic, Neo-Romanesque, Baroque, Early gothic, clustered column, pier arch, church treasure, choir, chancel, reliquary, cross ribvaulting, diagonal rib vault, pulpit, lectern, stellar vaulting, shaft, mausoleum, organ, triforium, tower, rood loft, choir screen, radial chapel, spire, arched corbel course, buttress, polychromy, nave, staircase turret, staircase tower, brick, tapestry, ambulatory, Jan Vanden Poele, Robert Cantrell, Eugène Carpentier, Pierre Buyck | BRUGES | 5.6 / | ~ 1275 |